Chicago Maternity Photographer: Baby Boy M is on the way!

It’s been frigid. Frigid is not a word I toss around lightly, as I run hot. (Actually, I don’t run at all, except maybe after children and scared dad’s during family sessions–HA!). You know what I mean. As a very warm person, I prefer the cold, and love shooting outdoors, especially in winter.

But it was cold. Really cold. Not only were we cold, we were FRIGIDLY COLD.

As in freezing. I actually wore earmuffs and gloves, which is not my style–I try to be as fashion forward as possible during my sessions. If you were wondering, baggy jeans tucked in to uggs (the manly ones from 2007) paired with an old navy t shirt that smells like Desitin, is really my jam. (if you have a child, which you probably do if you’re reading my blog/website…you’ve smelled like Desitin at one point, heck you might smell like it now.)

Again, let me reiterate, it was cold. I even took a selfie and posted it to Facebook to show how red my face was post-session—what an uncool moment. After all that rambling, I’ll make my point:

Jennifer and Henry ROCKED IT. No complaining. No asking to leave. No worry about slipping on the ice. Completely uninhibited. No limits as to what poses they would do. No hands in the pockets. No red noses. No weird purple gloves that stuck out. They rocked it.  These crazy kids were amazing to shoot, and because of their effort, we got stunning images right during sunset.

I made this cute little collage thingy because I really should be doing laundry, but I told myself I had to “work”. To answer your questions, yes, I did take pictures that include their faces…but they loved their boots so much and thought these pictures were so fun… I had to share! Look at those baby boots! squeal!)

Enjoy these pictures which do not show a lot of their faces. Want to see their faces?? Keep an eye out on my facebook page!


March 9, 2014


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