Lake in the Hills Newborn Photographer {Jax}

You never know who you’ll run into. Crazy story. Not that crazy I guess, since I live very close to where I grew up (Cary).

A gal eMailed me requesting last minute maternity/newborn pictures. She had previously booked both sessions with another photographer, who then disappeared and wasn’t returning any eMails or calls. I felt super bad and could tell from her eMail she was bummed, so I booked her session last minute. The gal’s name was Lorna, which is a super rare (and gorgeous name)….but for some reason when the eMail request came through, I didn’t put two and two together (married last names really throw me for a loop). It ended up being someone I went to Cary-Grove High School with….(GO TROJANS!)

Anyway, moral of this story is be nice to people. You never know who your photographer (or client) will be. Luckily, Lorna is one of the coolest chicks ever. I didn’t have to photoshop anything weird on her face to get back at her for being mean in high school, because she was always so nice to me. High school can be tough, and she really was one of those people who always was friendly to EVERYONE. We had a blast not only at her maternity session, but NB session, too. It was super fun capturing Jax because of our connection, and I hope the K’s love their pictures. I think they will. 🙂

Check out Jax and other super fun pictures on my facebook page….you never know when I’ll be doing a special session giveaway….YAY.


April 1, 2014


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