Maternity Photographer in Barrington, IL

Often people ask, what are your favorite types of photo sessions??? It’s always so difficult for me to pick, but I really LOVE maternity sessions. There’s something so special about seeing that round belly (Mom’s, not Dad’s..haha) and seeing the connection that already exists before the child is even here 🙂  The excitement parents have before the baby comes is  fun for me to capture on camera, and they are moments not enough people take advantage of. This was one of my favorite sessions to date—and my FIRST indoor maternity session ever! (I’ve always preferred maternity sessions outside, but this shoot changed everything–now I love both!)

Chrissy came over to my studio one afternoon and we got some beautifully artistic images, if I do say so myself. For this particular session, I really wanted to capture Chrissy’s natural beauty, limit the editing, and just keep things simple and soft. We shot in both my artificially lit studio, and my naturally lit studio. Yep, I’m lucky enough to have both 🙂 🙂 Special thanks to my husband, Eric, who has generously let Little Birdie Photography take over our home.

As former ballerina and current dance teacher, Chrissy nailed her posing and was amazing to work with. And just a few short weeks later, her lovely daughter was born. Crazy how life can change in a few short weeks!! 🙂

Here are a few snippets from here session—ridiculously beautiful isn’t she??


May 27, 2014


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