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How did another baby graduate from the milestone package?? 1st birthday photos are some of the most important and personal for a family, so I was thrilled when Mama suggested we do the session in there home near Barrington, IL. As a bonus, I got to hang out with Sophia’s darling little pup….how cute is […]

1st Birthday Photos {Barrington, IL Photographer}

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Twin Photography Sessions might be my new fave.  I can’t get over how much these two sisters look alike, yet completely different. And how at six months old, their little personalities have already come out. These girls are firecrackers, and so much fun. Can I just repeat: Six Month old TWINS. My photographers heart nearly […]

6 Month Twin Photography Session

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Two year old twins. ‘Nuff said. Wait, not enough said. These quite possibly could be the cutest most lovable twosome I’ve ever seen. Look at those big brown puppy dog eyes. Again, times two. I love them. Mama said I couldn’t keep ’em….but they are SOOO good. Seriously, look at their pictures—total angels!! Here are […]

McHenry Kids Photographer {L Twins}