Crystal Lake Kids Photographer {Happy Birthday Haylee}

It’s blog time!! I’ve been falling behind with this, so I apologize in advance. Fall is tax season to Chicago Suburb Photographers. Everyone wants to capture the changing leaves, gorgeous light, and get those Holiday Cards off their plates. I’m doing my best, so bear with me!!

Check out this little darling below–everyone, meet Haylee! She was SO well behaved for her 3 year old photos. Mama and Daddy are welcoming their 2nd daughter in a few months, so I was thrilled to be able to capture some sweet moments of their family before the little one arrives in December.

Life is rough for me as a kids photographer. It’s impossible to have a bad session–only bad in the sense that it leaves me wanting like, 30 children. But seriously, I couldn’t get enough of Haylee—I mean, look at her. She is so smart. Everything I’d say to her, she’d repeat in her sweet little voice….it was
adorable. Haylee was “sweet sassy”. Not the mean kind of sassy—more the stylish sort of sassy. Check out her threads!! I’ve never seen a cooler and more appropriate outfit for a session around railroad tracks. Plus, I’m a fan of cowboy boots in general. Check out some of her photos below…doesn’t your heart melt?!?

September 25, 2013


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