Grayson’s 3 Month Photos : McHenry County Kids Photographer

My face hurts, my wrists hurt, my eyes, even my fingers hurt. Everything hurts. WAAAHHH.
Ya wanna know why? Blogging. Editing. Facebook posting. Re-branding my website (or at least compiling ideas to do so). It’s intense. OK, rant over.

Quite frankly, I’m sick of my computer. I love taking photos, but it’s such a small part of owning my Chicago-based photography business. I had no idea it was this much computer work. It’s like, 20% taking pictures. HOWEVER, even though that’s my passion, and I have to do some less-fun stuff (which is still super fun, don’t let me kid you) It’s absolutely, 100% all worth it in the end…Look at this cuteness from Mr. G. Can you believe how much he’s grown up since his last session? Worth every minute of my fingers (and brain) fried.

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January 29, 2014

Studio Sessions

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