9 Month Baby Photos {Eve}

My sweet little niece Eve, during her 9 month baby photos.  Simple and sweet–just the way I like all my sessions. A focus on the baby, not the photography set up.  Forgive my sassyness and sort-of-swear word usage, but too often I see a lot of people having their child’s photos taken with a bunch of distracting crap. AND ITS NOT MY JAM.

Bright colors. Bright banners. Ridiculously frilly and uncomfortable outfits. Sorry. I’m all about the real talk lately (ok, or my whole life)—and since I have this “public forum” I’m gonna say it—I just think too much crap is too much crap, and you’re going to regret it as time goes on.  I already regret the BRIGHT BLUE background/shirt I put my own kid in just three years ago. And that fedora hat. At the time, during my son Cole’s 9 month baby photos, he wore a hat. He has never, ever, once worn a fedora hat. Why? He hated hats—so why did I dress him in a hat? For cuteness? Yes, it was cute. But it wasn’t him. Ugh. Let’s capture who they are, not pinterest copycat the heck out of your son + daughters photo sesh.  I feel like I’m yelling, but I promise I’m not…I had a red bull. Yellow flavor. Have you had that one yet?

Anyway….I will say this—at Little Birdie Photography, I want your 9 month baby photos to be who you they (and you) are, yes. If you are loud and wild, and want something that says that—I get that, and I certainly want to give you what you pay for. I’m not a photographer that’s going to deny that this is a service, despite it going against my artistic eye—but it’s my job to tell you this: “You’re going to regret THAT MUCH PINK. You’re going to regret ALL THOSE HEADBANDS WHEN YOUR KID IS RIPPING THEM OFF EVERY TWO SECONDS”. Don’t deny who your kiddo is because you’re trying to replicate another persons vision. Let’s do YOU. Let’s document your 9 month baby photos accurately, ok?

Eve’s session? It’s not going to go out of style. Because it’s classic. I like classic. But I also like getting paid, so I’ll do what you want (to a certain degree)….just some food for thought. Unsolicited, as usual….hahaha. Happy weekend everyone!

9 month baby photos chicago

March 19, 2016

Outdoor Sessions, Studio Sessions

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