Blunt, like those passive agressive e-cards you want to send your mother-in-law. That’s me. It’s time to get serious about what you’re wearing to your photo session.
What EXACTLY are you wearing?
From Croc sandals, to people dressed in all white tops with blue jeans, And I can’t unsee it. It’s burning my eyes. Don’t fret my pet, I have a simple and free solution I’m offering to all my Chicago area photography clients.
There are a million ways to style your session, and what you choose to wear plays a large part in that styling. From outfits, to hair styles, to session location, I’m making a biiiiggg push to try and keep things cohesive. It’s important we get you timeless photos – part of being timeless is designing a look that won’t distract away from your families interaction together, or the way I compose your imagery.
This summer I’ve seen an uptick in effort when it comes to choosing outfits for photos. WHICH IS GREAT! (because your under armor polo choices were killing me softly) As my clients know, I use a styling service called Style + Select, which helps you make great choices when it comes time to choosing outfits which look best on camera. Style + Select is a free service my clients have access to, and it’s used via three simple steps:
2. Results are shown immediately, and you get to “favorite” items, and your clothing is added to a mood board, where you can swap out individual items for each person.
3. You’ll then be able to eMail your final selections to yourself, with links to purchase. From there, your photographer (me, Kiley…duh) will get a copy too. I see it, and can say “whoa, that’s gonna look garbagey in this urban location. Are you sure you want a dress THAT poofy near a brick wall?” or “Yay I am freaking out, it’s SO good”.
IT’S SO EASY. Oh, and it’s free to all Little Birdie Photography clients. My goal in using Style + Select isn’t to control your choices to the point of annoyance – I totally respect and understand these are YOUR photos. It’s your investment – it’s YOUR experience. You can wear what you want, at the end of the day. If I can help guide you to better choices, shapes which that flatter your body, colors that compliment your skin tones, and help the overall session have a look that will not distract from your families interaction together…well…
Charlie Sheen put it best : #winning.
Copyright 2024-2025
kiley Humbert photography
Kiley Humbert is a Chicago portrait photographer specializing in newborn, baby, maternity, child, and family photography. Specializing in headshot, branding, and commercial photography, the
studio is located in Barrington, IL and services all of Chicago and area suburbs.
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